Response time in executing payments is a critical factor, as is the continuing increase in transaction volumes – effective latency resolution, high availability and scalability are musts to reduce timeouts and lost sales. Companies need to deploy payment processing applications that are fast, secure, scalable and trusted. Insights-driven data, analytics, and artificial intelligence experiments in a cloud environment are foundational for operational excellence, and also creates an intelligent Marketing engine to increase revenues. Predictably and with consistency.


A Gartner social media analysis revealed that conversations about contactless payments have increased nearly 40% in the second quarter of 2020, showing a clear impact of COVID-19 on the surge in popularity of contactless payments on social media. Conversations highlighted contactless payments being implemented as a part of organizations’ digital transformation initiatives in both B2B and B2C scenarios for faster, easier payment transactions while assuring customer safety.

The Journey:

Haystream helps Payments-focused companies

  • Improve sales volumes by optimizing their digital commerce channels, data experiments and unified commerce initiatives

  • Recalibrate Operational KPIs and automate functions

  • Measure analytics driven intelligence capabilities

  • Devise and implement a roadmap for current and future initiatives impacting business results

The Strategy:

With Haystream, you will

  • Deploy efficient models for reducing fraud by leveraging modern technologies

  • Build high performance systems to scale during high transaction volumes

  • Devise processes and modifications to improve data models

  • Automate the authorization optimization through ML, AI models

  • Newer insights through data analytics for better marketing and sales


Response time in executing a payment is a critical factor and so is the sudden increase in transaction volumes – effective latency resolution, high availability and scalability are must to curb timeouts and lost sales. Payments’ Founders & CEOs Must Focus on Building System Performance, Insights Driven Data, Analytics Driven Marketing, AI Based Experiments. Consistently.